Is it me?


Image courtesy of Josh.Brastead

This website is usually known for its thoughtful opinion and considered approach. But I am having a Superbowl moratorium on well argued polemic. Is it me or were all the ads in the Superbowl complete arse? For christ sake if that is the best creative work that those brands and agencies can muster then heaven help American advertising. The madmen clearly have suffered worse head trauma than the players. I’d include a link to the inconsequential work that ran but you’d be better off spending the time reading a slim volume the worst poetry imaginable while repeatedly beating yourself over the head with a cricket bat.

Josh’s Band


In the Autumn we went out and about on behalf of T-Mobile and asked people what they would do if they had free texts and internet for life – which is what you get as a T-Mobile Pay As You Go customer that regularly tops up.

And in the course of this we bumped into a guy in Brick Lane called Josh Ward who said that he would us it to start a superband. Which sounded like fun. So we helped him and the single from the band that comprises 1107 musicians in total is released on Monday 11th January.