What’s the plan for planning? Image courtesy of see_another_side. A few years ago in an orgy of self-congratulation and a pithy monographs invoking the spirit…
Image courtesy of Liberal Democrats Nick Clegg, the rather pointless Deputy Prime Minister of Britain’s sad little coalition, is in a bit of a pickle…
So this is the link to the electronic flip book version of the newspaper version of the best of this blog. Talk about milking a bit of content some of which is six years old! But hell why not. Big thanks to newspaper club for making the review possible and Saatchi & Saatchi for creating the flipbook and putting it online.
The nice people at it’s nice that have written a little review of adliterate lite alongside some far more worthy titles and better designed publications. It’s nice that champion great creativity in any form and publish a hard copy of the stuff they love the most every April and October. Issue 5 is out very shortly.
Image courtesy of freefotouk.
In the last post on participation I talked about the after thought issue that dogs many participatory campaigns and three easy steps to engagement heaven. I now want to deal with the second issue, the performing monkey syndrome.
Here are the useful bits from the presentation I did last week to IPA 4. Thanks to Mr Tom Morton for pulling the whole show together and to all the planning heads that helped me by illustrating their distinctive planning style.
Now that’s a swisssh. Image courtesy of ..Emma.. The participation band wagon rolls on in adland with agencies and clients seeming content to sacrifice effective…
A few years ago Paul Colman tried to sell a print out of this blog on Ebay. As far as I am aware no one…
I have stopped posting work from Saatchi’s on adliterate because that’s not really what this blog is all about but I thought I had to…
Bureaucracy by Dan_DC. A few years ago I wrote a post about Douglas Holt and his then new book ‘how brands become icons’. The post…