Everybody still wants to work at Wiedens


Image courtesy of Kenny & B.

Ohhh look we’ve gone researchtastic.

Hot in the heels of the IPA Strategy Group’s UK strategy community research comes the forth annual Global Planners survey from Heather LeFevre. Of the 798 participants surprise surprise the place planners most want to work is Wieden & Kennedy (apart from ‘where you are’ which came top in the survey).

Spoiled by choice


The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo, part of his scheme for the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel completed in 1512. I may be wrong about this but as far as I am aware he wasn’t asked to present three different options for the ceiling to go into research.

Once upon a time in a land far away come the appointed hour of the creative presentation, agencies recommended one idea to their clients.

Are our start ups a let down?


Image courtesy of Fiat Luxe

The start up plays an almost mythical role in the world of advertising. Start ups are not simply an outlet for the professional and material ambitions of the best in the business, they are absolutely essential to the health and vitality of the industry. If advertising has managed to adapt to the changing business, consumer and communications landscape over the past century it has been largely because of its start-ups.

Even faster strategy


Image courtesy of Liquidrosephotography

Monday this saw the IPA Strategy Group’s fast strategy conference here in London.

All in all a rather splendid occasion.

The high point was the victory of the marvellous Richard Storey in a live head to head fast strategy challenge from the UK Government on Dog Registration. It was a good reminder, if anyone needed it, that Richard is one of the most accomplished creative strategists in adland. The Planning for Good team (Mark Earls, Jon Leech, Ian Tait and Chris Forrest) came second and were outstanding, if not quite as sharp as Richard’s M&C team (here is the wiki they built that morning to help them). CHI was rather out-classed and brought up the rear.

Anyway, the event made me think about my top tips for getting to strategy fast so I thought I’d share them with you. I’ve done 17 since it seems such an unfashionable number. Some stuff will be familiar to regular readers – but when you are creating fast strategy it doesn’t do to reinvent the wheel.

Fast Strategy


Image courtesy of Combined Media.

This is a little piece I did to publicise the Fast Strategy Conferencethat the IPA Strategy Group is running in a couple of weeks. It’s about the need for us to think faster if strategy is to be of continued value and about the death of the ponderous planner.

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